Subscription Income and Market Forecasting Model
The Issue
Our client needed to very accurately forecast the subscription income from their multi-million pound business using a tool which would also enable them to control and model various scenarios for their large marketing budget.
Our solution
We built a large, highly sophisticated, bespoke Excel-based model. This model gave the Marketing teams control of media spend by month and enabled them to understand the impact on subscriber numbers, revenue and various KPIs, also by month. The model we created was interactive, easy to use and updated instantly.
the result
Our user-friendly model allowed the client to forecast subscription income to within 0.5% accuracy, and also significantly increase the speed with which the Marketing team could change their plans and understand the impact and implications of these changes. This model still powers the company’s marketing business.
We built a large, highly sophisticated, bespoke Excel-based model. This model gave the Marketing teams control of media spend by month and enabled them to understand the impact on subscriber numbers, revenue and various KPIs, also by month. The model we created was interactive, easy to use and updated instantly. Our user-friendly model allowed the […]